23 November 2009

Macro in Pandan Falls

When looking up, makes my neck strain or when see some interesting insect, I change to my Pentax 35mm F2.8 coupled with the panagor macro converter and shoot the said insect or flower whichever is the case.

At the top of the waterfall, a stick insect catches my eye, because it is on the rocks and almost got trampled by me. Another reason to watch where your feet are..

Here is it on the rocks.. as is

using kit lens..

using my macro setup, the stick insect head

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this is how big the insect compared to a human arm

at the end of the hanging bridge, at one old tree stump, a colony of large forest termites was discovered

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I estimate to be 10-12mm long, much bigger than a kerengge(A common large ant)

also a grasshopper seen at the same stump

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At the site where we take a dip, an interesting damselfly keep popping at the water edge where waterflows above the rock.

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how it kept itself from being dragged by the waterflow is intriguing.


Sweets or Stones, it must worth something..jot it down!